Victory Grips Mens X2 Freedom Grips

£47.99 £59.99


The FREEDOM GRIPS are our proven design with a natural progression of going fingerless. Made from our X2 material these grips are all about clean and fast transitions from movements where you want the grips to others where you want to go barehanded. There is no wasting time messing with grips nor getting them to stay out of the way for dynamic movements like double unders.  The sizing guidelines are the same as the 3 and 4 Finger, when in doubt size up.


X2 is the next generation of our Stealth X material, providing the benefits of leather and the original STEALTH in one material. It has the softness and protection of broken in leather. The spongy texture cushions your hand and compresses resulting in comfort and performance. The grips are washable, vegan friendly and will not stretch. X2 grips extremely well onto both powder coated and Speal bars, and are perfect for athletes that typically love leather and those who need extra protection.


Thickness- 2.2mm